A Guide to Decoding Error Messages

Tomorrow.io Team
Tomorrow.io Team
  • Updated

Navigating through Tomorrow.io's platform and API can be smooth sailing most of the time, but occasionally, you might encounter some choppy waters in the form of error messages. No need to worry, though! We're here to offer insights into what these messages signify and guide you through resolving them.

For Platform Users:

  • HTTP 400 Bad Request: "Something's not right with your request."

What it means: The request you sent to Tomorrow.io’s platform didn’t quite make sense to our servers. This could be due to errors in how the request was made or missing information.

How to fix: Ensure all required fields are filled out correctly and that the information you're submitting is formatted correctly.

  • HTTP 401 Unauthorized: "You need to log in to see this."

What it means: You're trying to access a resource or section of the platform that requires authentication, but you either aren't logged in or don't have the right permissions.

How to fix: Confirm you're logged in with the correct credentials. If you're still encountering this issue, you may need additional permissions to access the desired resource—reach out to your account admin or account manager for further assistance.

  • HTTP 404 Not Found: "The requested resource can't be found."

What it means: The server couldn't locate the resource you were looking for. This often happens with broken or dead links, leading to a 404 error page.

How to fix: Verify the URL or resource you're trying to access for any typos or errors. If you believe this resource should exist, it may have been moved or removed.

  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: "Oops, we've hit a snag."

What it means: This one's on us – something unexpected happened on our end that prevented us from fulfilling your request.

How to fix: Often, these issues are temporary. Try your request again after some time. If you continue to face the same problem, it's best to contact Tomorrow.io support at support@tomorrow.io for help.


For API Users:

Our API documentation provides detailed technical guidance on handling these errors within your applications. Here's a brief overview of the most common ones:

  • HTTP 400 Bad Request: This error indicates the request was not formulated correctly. Double-check your request syntax and ensure all necessary information is included.
  • HTTP 401 Unauthorized: This means your request lacks the proper authentication credentials. Verify that you're using the correct API key or tokens.
  • HTTP 403 Forbidden: This means the server recognizes your request but refuses to authorize it. Unlike the 401 error where re-authentication might help, a 403 error means access is being denied based on the application's logic or your current permissions.
  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: This signals an unexpected issue on our server preventing us from processing your request. Such problems are generally temporary, but if they persist, contacting support is advisable.

You can also visit our article on how to use our API for more detailed guidance.

Understanding and resolving these error messages ensures a smoother journey through Tomorrow.io’s weather data and functionalities. If you run into problems, contact our support team for help at support@tomorrow.io.

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