Map Visualizations Improvements: June 2023

Eric Wert
Eric Wert
  • Updated

On the Legend you can find these new cool features:

  • Custom-Heat-map Coloring: the user can change the layers’ colors pallet on the map - good for color blind

  • Heatmap Filtering: the user can filter the map colors with a designated bar, the map will display only the selected ranges accordingly.

  • New Setting tab on the map - We have unified the setting experiences into one tab.

  • Values Shown on Hover: When Hovering over the map the user sees the weather value on every point for the following params:
    a. Temperature
    b. Rain Accumulation
    c. Snow Accumulation
    d. Visibility
    e. Cloud-cover
    f. AQI: pollutantNO2, pollutantO3, particulateMatter10, particulateMatter25, pollutantCO, pollutantSO2, mep Index, epa Index, and many more.

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