Get Unparalleled Accuracy and Real-Time Global Coverage with’s Enhanced Unified Precipitation (UP)
Here at, we're constantly striving to improve our weather intelligence and climate adaptation platform. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our next-generation Unified Precipitation (UP) solution, which provides real-time and nowcast (0-6 hours) global precipitation data with unparalleled accuracy.
In this help center article, we'll walk you through:
What It Is
How to Use It
What It Is
This enhanced UP is designed to provide you with unparalleled accuracy, real-time global coverage, and an AI/ML-powered forecasting experience:
Enhanced Accuracy
Our UP solution boasts a significant improvement in precipitation forecasting, offering:
48-61% better precipitation intensity accuracy
39-49% improvement in precipitation detection
Real-Time Global Coverage
Experience real-time and nowcast precipitation data with global coverage and less than 15-minute latency.
AI/ML-Powered Solution
Our UP solution leverages state-of-the-art satellite data and machine learning, resulting in improved prediction of rapidly evolving storms and high-impact weather events.
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